Inovovaný 5-stupňový kurz angličtiny určený pre deti od 10 rokov. Zobraziť viac
One page. One lesson. One focus. Everything you look for in an English course, made simple. Zobraziť viac
A three-year project-based course for young learners with a sound grammatical framework. Zobraziť viac
One page. One lesson. One focus. Everything you look for in an English course, made simple. Zobraziť viac
Your students will love watching the new animated Mickey, Millie and Mut and Sweet Sue and Smart Alex cartoons. In later levels of the course the cartoons are replaced with dramatized episodes of Kids, the photo-story from the Student's Book... Zobraziť viac
Teachers all over the world trust Project. This brand-new edition has been improved and updated in direct response to... Zobraziť viac
"Project third edition" is based on the best-selling "Project" course for students aged 10-15. The new edition has been revised and updated to meet the needs of today's classrooms following extensive research among "Project" users... Zobraziť viac
Tried, tested, trusted ... and now even better!... Zobraziť viac
Inovovaný 5-stupňový kurz angličtiny určený pre deti od 10 rokov. Zobraziť viac
One page. One lesson. One focus. Everything you look for in an English course, made simple. Zobraziť viac
Inovovaný 5-stupňový kurz angličtiny určený pre deti od 10 rokov. Zobraziť viac
This is a four-level teenage course combining exciting new material with all the features that made the original Hotline so... Zobraziť viac
Project third edition vychádza z najpredávanejšieho kurzu Project pre žiakov vo veku 10-15 rokov. Nová edícia bola upravená a doplnená o nove informácie tak, aby vyhovovala súčasným potrebám žiakov aj učiteľov... Zobraziť viac
Maďarské vydanie pracovného zošita k učebnici Project 4. Zobraziť viac
Project, 3rd Edition Workbook Pack Level 2... Zobraziť viac
Looking at major companies, this book illustrates business themes, such as branding, marketing success, customer service, and adapting to change... Zobraziť viac