Mississippský soud vynese šokující rozsudek v neprospěch chemické společnosti, obviněné ze skladování toxického odpadu s následkem desítek rakovinných onemocnění v nedalekém městečku. Společnost podá odvolání... Zobraziť viac
V malom floridskom meste Seabrook zastrelili mladého právnika Keitha Russa, keď večer pracoval pri svojom stole. Vrah nezanechal stopy. Nebolo svedkov ani motívu. Polícia však čoskoro začala podozrievať mladého černocha Quincyho Millera... Zobraziť viac
Mistr právnických románů opustil pole fiktivních próz pouze jednou – v knize Nevinný, v níž zpracoval tragický životní osud skutečné postavy tváří v tvář soudní a policejní zvůli. Bez spekulací, přímočaře a díky tomu... Zobraziť viac
Hurikán spôsobí hotovú spúšť – zrovná so zemou domy, zničí hotely a obchody, zaplaví ulice, pripraví o život desiatku ľudí. Jednou z obetí je aj Nelson Kerr, Bruceov priateľ a autor trilerov. Čoskoro vysvitne, že jeho smrť... Zobraziť viac
Právnické firmě Finley & Figg na chicagském předměstí se nedaří zrovna nejlíp. Má bídnou a pochybnou klientelu a její stárnoucí majitelé zoufale vyhlížejí ten jeden „velký případ“, na němž zbohatnou, aby mohli odejít do penze. Zobraziť viac
Strážca zákona Stuart Kofer je privilegovaný muž. V opileckom besnení sa vyzúril na priateľke Josie a jej deťoch už mnohokrát, ale zakaždým mu to prešlo. Jednej noci však zaútočí obzvlášť agresívne a Josie padne v bezvedomí... Zobraziť viac
The most corrupt judge in US history. A young investigator with a secret informant. John Grisham will keep you on the edge of your seat with his electrifying number one bestseller. The most corrupt judge in US history. A young investigator with a... Zobraziť viac
The hill people and the Mexicans arrived on the same day. It was a Wednesday, early in September 1952. The cotton, however, was waist high to my father, almost over my head, and he and my grandfather could be heard before supper whispering words that... Zobraziť viac
Vydavatel: Arrow Počet strán: 752 Jazyk: English Rozmery: 19.6 x 13 x 4.1 cm ISBN: 9780099537038 Formát: mäkká väzba - brož Zobraziť viac
Arrow: Two Supreme Court Justices are dead. Their murders remain unsolved. Darby Shaw, a brilliant and beautiful New... Zobraziť viac
Pete Banning was Clanton's favourite son, a returning war hero, the patriarch of a prominent family; a farmer, father, and a faithful member of the Methodist Church. Then one cool October morning in 1946, he rose early, drove into town, ... Zobraziť viac
The most daring and devastating heist in literary history targets a high security vault located deep beneath Princeton University. Valued at $25 million (though some would say priceless) the five ... Zobraziť viac
Ten-year-old Tonya Hailey is attacked and raped by two local men. Carl Lee, Tonya’s father, shoots them. Now only his lawyer and friend, Jake Brigance, stands between him and the electric chair... Zobraziť viac
It's a deadly game of blackmail. And they're making him play. Kyle McAvoy is one of the outstanding legal students of his generation: he's good looking, has a brilliant mind and a glittering future ahead of him... Zobraziť viac
Theodore Boone is the thirteen year old who knows more about the law than most adult lawyers. He certainly never expected to be the victim of crime himself. But then his bike is vandalised, he's attacked while doing his homework and, ... Zobraziť viac
Theodore Boone is back in a new adventure, and the stakes are higher than ever. When his best friend, April, disappears from her bedroom in the middle of the night, no one, not even Theo Boone - who knows April better than anyone - has answers... Zobraziť viac
Every Jury has a leader, and the verdict belongs to him. In Biloxi, Mississippi, a landmark trial with hundreds of millions... Zobraziť viac
When it comes to giving advice on divorce issues and impounded pets, 13-year-old Theodore Boone is first choice with his teachers and classmates. Theo knows more about the law than most lawyers... Zobraziť viac
They call themselves the Brethren: three disgraced former judges doing time in a Florida federal prison. One was sent up for tax evasion. Another, for skimming bingo profits. And the third, for a career-ending drunken joyride... Zobraziť viac
The phenomenal new legal thriller from international bestseller John Grisham. No ones writes drama like Grisham... Zobraziť viac