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Knihy vydavateľstva Loft Publications

Našli sme 75 titulov

Spa, Beauty, Health & Design

Spa, Beauty, Health & Design

Daniela Santos Quartino, Loft Publications (2008)
Europe has more than one reason to believe its spas are special. From steam baths in the Turkish hammam, wine therapies in...

Europe has more than one reason to believe its spas are special. From steam baths in the Turkish hammam, wine therapies in... Zobraziť viac

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Paradise Pools

Paradise Pools

Macarena San Martin, Loft Publications (2008)
Paradise Pools (San Martin Macarena). Paradise Pools And Spas We believe that there is nothing more magical and captivating...

Kniha přináší bohatou přehlídku bazénové architektury doslova ze všech koutů světa. Zobraziť viac

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Beach Clubs

Beach Clubs

, Loft Publications (2008)
Beach clubs brings together natures four elements in their mildest and most harmonious state: water, in the paradisiacal...

Beach clubs brings together natures four elements in their mildest and most harmonious state: water, in the paradisiacal... Zobraziť viac

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Wood and Iron

Wood and Iron

Macarena Abascal, Loft Publications (2019)
The New Loft

Industrial style has become one of the most influential interior design trends of recent years. Following the second industrial revolution, strong developments in industry resulted in a change in ... Zobraziť viac

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High On… Bathroom Design

High On… Bathroom Design

If there is one room in your house that deserves a little luxury, it is the bathroom. Whether we like to talk about it or not, the time we spend in the bathroom is precious. It's where some of our most intimate moments take place. So... Zobraziť viac

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Experiencing art and architecture from a distance or on social media forgoes its phenomenological meaning. The proximity and sense of physically built architecture is a personal experience that can indeed enhance the meaning of architecture and art... Zobraziť viac

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Interior Design Inspirations

Interior Design Inspirations - prečítaná (bazár kníh)

Cynthia Reschke, Loft Publications (2009)
Kniha Interior Design Inspirations je obrazom súčasnej doby, reflektuje jej ducha i kultúrne premeny spoločnosti. Sprevádza...

Kniha Interior Design Inspirations je obrazom súčasnej doby, reflektuje jej ducha i kultúrne premeny spoločnosti. Sprevádza čitateľa interiérmi celého sveta v snahe inšpirovať ho pri tvorbe vlastného príbytku... Zobraziť viac

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Spa, Beauty, Health & Design

Spa, Beauty, Health & Design - prečítaná (bazár kníh)

Daniela Santos Quartino, Loft Publications (2008)
Europe has more than one reason to believe its spas are special. From steam baths in the Turkish hammam, wine therapies in...

Europe has more than one reason to believe its spas are special. From steam baths in the Turkish hammam, wine therapies in France, thalassotherapies in Greece and even Alpine thermal baths, the continent has a wide network of establishments that ... Zobraziť viac

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Bamboo - prečítaná (bazár kníh)

, Loft Publications
Bamboo is also known as "vegetable steel" due to its strength and extreme lightness. Craftsmen, architects, engineers,...

Bamboo is also known as "vegetable steel" due to its strength and extreme lightness. Craftsmen, architects, engineers, designers and distributors from around the world have collaborated in this selection of fifty constructions and over sixty product... Zobraziť viac

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Practical Ideas for Kitchens & Bathrooms

Practical Ideas for Kitchens & Bathrooms - prečítaná (bazár kníh)

, Loft Publications (2008)
Bathrooms have undergone a complete transformation over the course of history by evolving along with the customs and...

Bathrooms have undergone a complete transformation over the course of history by evolving along with the customs and characteristics of each era and culture... Zobraziť viac

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Interior Architecture

Interior Architecture - prečítaná (bazár kníh)

Today, private residences possess an infinite range of designs, not only exteriors but interiors as well, thanks to the wide variety of materials and to the ecological revolution giving rise to the possibility of incorporating new architectural elements.. Zobraziť viac

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Small Lofts

Small Lofts

Oriol Magriny, Loft Publications (2016)
Loft Publications: When we think of a loft, we usually think of large open spaces with clearly visible remnants of their...

When we think of a loft, we usually think of large open spaces, with clearly visible remnants of their industrial origin, converted into homes. Distinguished by their high level of modernity and noteworthy contrasts, they tend to reflect the ... Zobraziť viac

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The New Rural

The New Rural

Daniela Santos, Loft Publications (2023)
Interiors Within Nature

Back to the country. This is the option of the "new rural", a way of life that has come to stay, paradoxically possible thanks to technology, the Internet and remote working. We are living at a time when the city is becoming congested and does not satisfy Zobraziť viac

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Modern Rustic

Modern Rustic

Daniela Santos Quartino, Loft Publications (2024)
Contemporary Variations on a Timeless Style

An inspirational architectural and interior design guide which celebrates and illustrates the perfect blend of rustic simplicity and contemporary innovation... Zobraziť viac

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CULT HEELS: Exceptional Talent in Shoe Design

CULT HEELS: Exceptional Talent in Shoe Design

A magnificent photographic celebration of the work by the most exciting and innovative contemporary shoemakers and boutique designers. Whenever a celebrity steps out with a new look, women want to know, "Who styled her?"... Zobraziť viac

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Brick Architecture

Brick Architecture

Sergio Asensio Quesada, Loft Publications (2023)
Layer by Layer

An illustrated celebration of architecture with bricks - the most traditional, inexpensive and flexible of building materials - in a series of recent modern projects. Bricks have been in constant use for a long time... Zobraziť viac

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Back to Nature

Back to Nature

, Loft Publications (2024)
Architecture Blends Into Landscape

A curated collection of the finest international architectural studios and their projects. This book showcases how innovative architectural designs seamlessly integrate with and complement the natural landscape, creating harmonious and captivating... Zobraziť viac

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Compact Houses

Compact Houses - prečítaná (bazár kníh)

, Loft Publications (2014)
House design is evolving fast following trends and the needs of our society. There is always a myriad of design schemes to...

House design is evolving fast following trends and the needs of our society. There is always a myriad of design schemes to meet diverse requirements; in other words, there is never a single solution to make the most of a... Zobraziť viac

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Lofts - prečítaná (bazár kníh)

Podkrovia sa v posledných rokoch renovujú na priestory, kde sa existujúca štruktúra začleňuje do každodennej architektúry. V dôsledku toho sa staré továrne a sklady transformovali na domácnosti a kancelárie, obchodné domy alebo ateliéry a dielne... Zobraziť viac

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Architect of Photography

Architect of Photography - prečítaná (bazár kníh)

Eugeni Pons was born in Barcelona in 1964. His interest in photography began when he was only thirteen. With his first serious camera, a Canon AE-1, he took up experimental, architectural and landscape photography. After creating his own... Zobraziť viac

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